Reckless Love.
Reckless: Without thinking or caring of the consequences |
Love: An intense feeling of deep affection |
God does not think, or care of the consequences that come with the deep intensive love He has for each and every single one of His children.
Corey Asbury’s song, Reckless Love has caused quite an uproar in what should be, a mutually understanding community. I say mutually understanding because it is evident that many individuals get stuck in religion FOR Jesus and miss the opportunity for a relationship WITH Jesus.
Why do I say such a profound statement? So many Christians today follow Jesus, but due to specific religious rituals and standards, have a distorted view of how deep God’s love really is. Most churches don’t express the reality that we can encounter God in a tangible way. Having a relationship with the Father is more than just simply reading your bible every day and living up to the list of rules the church developed. Don’t get me wrong, we must be rooted in scripture in order to genuinely bear fruit in our lives; but there’s more!
Corey Asbury’s song, Reckless Love has caused quite an uproar in what should be, a mutually understanding community. I say mutually understanding because it is evident that many individuals get stuck in religion FOR Jesus and miss the opportunity for a relationship WITH Jesus.
Why do I say such a profound statement? So many Christians today follow Jesus, but due to specific religious rituals and standards, have a distorted view of how deep God’s love really is. Most churches don’t express the reality that we can encounter God in a tangible way. Having a relationship with the Father is more than just simply reading your bible every day and living up to the list of rules the church developed. Don’t get me wrong, we must be rooted in scripture in order to genuinely bear fruit in our lives; but there’s more!
How we talk to our best friends is the same exact way we should freely converse with Jesus. As an Intimate friend. John 15:15 “No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.” |
| Many individuals get stuck in religion FOR Jesus and miss the opportunity for a relationship WITH Jesus. | |
God has called us His friends. Religion doesn’t teach you that. Religion teaches you all about your inadequacy when Jesus says your adequate. When Jesus says come. When Jesus chases after you. Jesus constantly pours out the significance we carry as His followers.
A fish is not free when it leaves the water. A tree is not free when it leaves the soil. We are not free when we run from God. What I am trying to get us to do, is recognize that Religion sets rules. A relationship sets us free. When we encounter the reckless, sacrificial, completely abandon heart of Jesus, we find freedom in that place.
A fish is not free when it leaves the water. A tree is not free when it leaves the soil. We are not free when we run from God. What I am trying to get us to do, is recognize that Religion sets rules. A relationship sets us free. When we encounter the reckless, sacrificial, completely abandon heart of Jesus, we find freedom in that place.
Asbury goes on to Explain, “I believe the way God pursues us is reckless.” Why it it reckless? Because in all reality we hurt God every single time. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Yet in His kindness, and in His Love, He opens His heart for us every time, showing that despite the consequence, despite the pain we cause Him, He still radically loves us. He still wants to lead us to freedom. Even when we deny Him, He loves us. |
| We are not free when we run from God. | |
In Genesis 22 we learn that the Angel of the Lord appeared to Abraham in Verse 2 instructing, “He said, “Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering…”
Is Abraham mentally insane? Or is he willingly demonstrating a reckless love for God? It appears the even as Abraham loves his son, he willingly, without care of the consequence, of losing his only son, expresses his deep intensive love for his creator. Now, of course God was just testing Abraham, with the result of allowing Isaac to grow and carry a multitude of Generations.
Christianity was never about what you we or what we don’t do. Christianity was always about have we ran into the reckless, overwhelming, never-ending, Love of God. When we know Him in this way, our inconsistencies, and our short comings, fade away.
Is Abraham mentally insane? Or is he willingly demonstrating a reckless love for God? It appears the even as Abraham loves his son, he willingly, without care of the consequence, of losing his only son, expresses his deep intensive love for his creator. Now, of course God was just testing Abraham, with the result of allowing Isaac to grow and carry a multitude of Generations.
Christianity was never about what you we or what we don’t do. Christianity was always about have we ran into the reckless, overwhelming, never-ending, Love of God. When we know Him in this way, our inconsistencies, and our short comings, fade away.
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” Not once does this verse say God second guessed His love for us. Without question, or concern, He gave His son to mark us with deep affection. |
| Without question, or concern, He gave His son to mark us with deep affection. | |
It is quite sad that we instantly mark the word “reckless” with such a negative connotation. Negativity aligns itself with darkness. Positivity aligns itself with faith.
God’s love is Reckless in the sense that He doesn’t care what comes against us, He will still pour out a constant, overflowing Love.
God’s love is Reckless in the sense that He doesn’t care what comes against us, He will still pour out a constant, overflowing Love.