My Story
I never knew what love was. Authentic, pure, genuine love. I remember thinking my definition of love was right, until I sat at the edge of my bed with a knife in my hand wanting to end my life. In that moment I encountered the most intense and passionate love you could ever imagine. I encountered. love Himself, and that was Jesus.
It was after that, where my heart was struck with a longing for my generation to know the love of Jesus. It was that night, when my whole world flipped upside down and I was hungry to know Jesus Christ and Christ crucified. I always had a passion to speak and to write. I always loved intentional moments with people more than I loved a big moment. I remember dreaming of being a youth pastor or planting a church. Until the Holy spirit thrusted me into the mission field after one year of college. Jesus called me to drop everything for a missional lifestyle with circuit riders. Now, I get to travel the world, speaking, serving, and investing into the lives of high school and university students everywhere I go! There is so much more I can share. My heart is utterly undone by the compassion of the Father. If you want to hear more, contact me! |
MY WORK WITH CIRCUIT RIDERSCircuit Riders has many different expressions and campaigns. I work specifically with our Riders Youth Team.
Circuit Rider youth is all about seeing a generation of youth, reach their peers on high school campus. |
THE MISSION "Jesus is the only option, and we will give everything to see our generation saved. We believe the message of Jesus belongs to everyone and if we don’t bring it, who will? Jesus is our best friend. Our schools are our mission field, and now is our time to go. We are Circuit Rider Youth."
To follow along with what God is doing, you can follow Circuit Rider Youth and Circuit Riders on instagram!